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Call for Proposal/ PSI#20 Shanghai

PSi#20 : Avant-Garde, Tradition, Community

July 4-8, 2014, at the Shanghai Theatre Academy in Shanghai

This first PSi conference in China, and the second one in Asia, explores avant-garde, tradition and community as parallel, intercultural and co-located terms that have crossed borders wherein relationships between arts and cultures are renegotiated and transformed. Avant-garde, tradition and community are positioned as umbrella terms with a broad relevance in global performance studies, while also having unique and enduring connections to Asian performance and modernity. We invite consideration of these themes in comparative and intercultural studies, studies across western and non-western sites and in relation to globalization, modernity, and contemporaneity.

PSi#20 welcomes papers, panels, workshops, and performances exploring many issues related to the three key words in various cultural and intercultural contexts..

*Topics may include* :

•How are notions of the avant-garde, tradition and community linked within a larger global understanding of performance and performance studies ?

•How do these themes relate to perceptions and practices of performance in different places and cultures ?

•How are notions of the avant-garde and tradition understood, theorised, practiced and debated where you are ?

•How do Asian and other non-western praxis relate to discourses and experiences of performance in the broadly defined sphere of Western avant-garde praxis ?

•How is the avant-garde associated with traditional performance ? Opposed, derivative, parallel, with blurred edges ?

•How are the terms avant-garde, tradition and community defined in the 21 century ? In local, regional and global contexts ?

•How do notions and/or expressions of cultural difference influence our perceptions and experience of these terms ? What are the border crossings and blockades to an intercultural understanding of these terms, in the wake of globalization ?

•How meaningful are the terms in the context of cultural, geographical, and historical boundaries ? Do we need new terms and formations ?

•Does performance studies in your institution involve artists off campus ? Does it involve non-academic, non-artistic communities ?

•How do performing/performance artists view non-artistic communities - consumers, beneficiaries, participants, or/and collaborators ?

•What are the relations between aesthetic performance studies and social performance studies ?

*More information* For a more extensive description and the full Call for Proposals, please check : Deadline for proposals : 20 NOVEMBER 2013, midnight (Beijing Time). Please send your inquiries to :

------------------------------ We look forward to seeing you in Shanghai.