Accueil du site > ACTUALITES > Second European Pragmatism Conference, Paris, September 9-11th
Second European Pragmatism Conference, Paris, September 9-11th

le laboratoire du geste vous invite au Second European Pragmatism Conference, auquel il est associé comme partenaire.

The conference is organized in partnership with The European Pragmatism Association, The Nordic Pragmatist Network, PRAGMA (Associazione Italiana di studi pragmatisti), and CEPF (Central European Pragmatist Forum). It is made possible through the support of labex Transfers, labex Tepsis, Université Paris 1, Institut Acte, Université Lyon 3 and Centre Simmel (EHESS).

The conference aims to advance our understanding of the relevance of pragmatism to contemporary debates in philosophy, the humanities, the social and the natural sciences as well as in communities of practice. Pragmatism is here broadly considered as a tradition of thought stemming from philosophy but now clearly present in a number of academic fields such as sociology, law, politics, art, physics, mathematics, anthropology, history, and literature.



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Second European Pragmatism Conference PROGRAMME