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Bibliographie PERFORMANCES


- Abramovic Marina, Sur la voie, Paris, Musée National d’Art Moderne, Centre Georges Pompidou, 1990.

- Auslander Philip, Liveness. Performance in a Mediatized Culture, New York, Routledge, 1999.

- Banes Sally, Democracy’s Body. Judson Dance Theater 1962-1964, Durham, Londres, Duke University Press, 1995.

- Banes Sally, Greenwich Village 1963. Avant-Garde Performance and the Effervescent Body, Durham, Londres, Duke University Press, 1993.

- Banes, Sally, Subversive expectations : performance art and paratheatre in New York, 1976-85, Ann Arbor : The University of Michigan press,1998

- Barthelmes Barbara, "Der Komponist als Ausführender und der Interpret als Komponist. Zur Ästhetik der Musikperformance", Improvisation-Performance-Szene, Mainz, Schott Verlag, ED 8763, 1997, p. 9-18.

- Benamou Michel et Caramello Charles, Performance in Postmodern Culture, Milwaukee, University of Wisconsin, Center for Twentieth Studies, Wisconsin, Coda Press, 1977.

- Berghaus Günther, Avant-Garde Performance. Live Events and Electronic Technologies, Palgrave, MacMillan, 2005.

- Joseph Beuys, Qu’est-ce que l’art ?, entretien avec Volker Harlan, Paris, L’Arche, 1992 (trad. de Laurent Cassagnau).

- Blocker Jane, What the Body Cost. Desire, History, and Performance, Londres, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 2004.

- Broadhurst Susan, Liminal Acts. A Critical Overview of Contemporary Performance and Theory, Londres, New York, Cassell, 1999.

- Butt Gavin, After Criticism. New Responses to Art and Performance, Blackwell Publishing, New Interventions in Art and Technology, Malden, Oxford, 2005.

- Carlson Marvin, Performance. An Introduction, New York, Londres, Routledge, 1996.

- Carolee Schneemann. I. Early Work 1960/1970, Documentext-Max Hutchinson Gallery, 1982.

- Carolee Schneemann. More Than Meat Joy. Performance Works and Selected Writings, Edited by Bruce R. McPherson, New York, 1997.

- Carolee Schneemann. Up To and Including Her Limits, New York, The New Museum of Contemporary Art, 1997.

- Collins Nicholas, "Ubiquitous Electronics. Technology and Live Performance 1966-1976", Improvisation-Performance-Szene, Mainz, Schott Verlag, ED 8763, 1997.

- Dimitriadis Greg, Performing Identity/Performing Culture. Hip Hop as Text, Pedagogy, and Lived Practrice, New York, Peter Lang, Intersections in Communication and Culture, 2005.

- Dixon Steve, Digital Performance. A History of New Media in Theater, Dance, Performance Art, and Installation, Cambridge, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, The MIT Press, 2007.

- Dreher Thomas, Performance Art nach 1945. Aktionstheater und Intermedia, Munich Wilhem Fink Verlag, 2001.

- Goldberg RoseLee, Performance Art. From Futurism to the Present, Londres, Thames & Hudson, 1995.

- Haskell Barbara, Yoko Ono. Arias & Objects, Utah, Layton, Peregrine Smith Book, 1991.

- Hassan Ihab, The Postmodern Turn. Essays in Postmodern Theory and Culture, Ohio State University Press, 1987.

- Heathfield Adrian, Live, New York, Routledge, 2004.

- Henri Adrian, Total Art. Environments, Happenings, and Performance, New York, Toronto, Oxford University Press, 1974.

- Higgins Dick, Modernism Since Postmodernism. Essays on Intermedia, San Diego, San Diego State University Press, 1997.

- Hoffmann Jean & Jonas Joan, Perform (Art Works), Londres, Thames & Hudson, 2005.

- Hoffmann Justin, Destruktionkunst. Der Mythos der Zerstörung in der Kunst der frühen sechziger Jahre, München, Silke Schreiber Verlag, 1995.

- Jappe Elisabeth, "Plastik hört man bevor man sie sieh". Klangperformance von bildenden Künstlern", Improvisation-Performance-Szene, Mainz, Schott Verlag, ED 8763, 1997.

- Jones Amelia, Body Art. Performing the Subject, Londres, Minneapolis, University of Minnesota Press, 1998.

- Kauffman Linda S., Bad Girls and Sick Boys. Fantasies in Contemporary Art and Culture, Berkeley, Los Angeles, Londres, University of California Press, 1998.

- Kaye Nick, Site Specific Art, New York, Routledge, 2000.

- Kelley Mike, Foul Perfection. Essays And Criticism, Edited by John C. Welchman, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Londres, The MIT Press, 2003.

- Kershaw Baz, The Radical in Performance : Between Brecht and Baudrillard, New York, Londres, Routledge, 1998.

- Lamarche-Vadel Bernard, Joseph Beuys. it is about a bicycle ?, Paris, Marval, Paris, Galerie Beaubourg, Vérone, Sarenco-Strazzer, 1985.

- Lepecki, André, Exhausting dance : performance and the politics of movement, New York, Ed. Routledge, 2006

- Lussac, Olivier, Happening & Fluxus : polyexpressivité et pratique concrète des arts, Ed l’Harmattan, 2004

- Marranca Bonnie & Dasgupta Gautam, Conversations on Art and Performance, Baltimore, The John Hopkins University Press, PAJ Books, 1999.

- Marranca Bonnie & Dasgupta Gautam, Interculturalism & Performance, New York, PAJ Publications, 1991.

- Ono Yoko, Grapefruit. A Book of Instructions And Drawings by Yoko Ono, (Introduction de John Lennon, with a new introduction by the autor), New York, Londres, Toronto, Sydney, Singapour, Simon & Schuster, 2000 (version originale : 1964).

- Ono Yoko, Yoko Ono. Instructions Paintings, New York & Tokyo, 1995.

- Performance. Valie Export, Immendorf, Sieverding, Schlingensief, Interview mit Judith Halberstam, revue Text zur Kunst, mars 2000, helft 37.

- Phelan Peggy, Unmarked. The Politics of Performance, New York, London, 1996.
- Phelan Peggy & Lane Jill, The Ends of Performance, New York, Londres, New York University Press, 1998.

- Pontbriand Chantal, Fragments critiques (1978-1998), Nîmes, Éditions Jacqueline Chambon, coll. Critiques d’Art, 1998.

- Roux, Céline , Danse(s) performative(s) : enjeux et développements dans le champ chorégraphique français (1993-2003), Paris, Ed. l’Harmattan, 2007

- Sayre Henri, The Object of Performance. The American Avant-Garde since 1970, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 1989.

- Schechner Richard, Between Theater & Anthropology, Philadelphia, University of Pennsylvania Press, 1985.

- Schechner Richard, Performance Theory, New York, Routledge, 2003 (1988).

- Schechner Richard, The Future of Ritual. Writings on Culture and Performance, New York, Londres, Routledge, 1993.

- Schechner Richard , Performance : expérimentation et théorie du théâtre aux USA ; édition établie par Anne Cuisset et Marie Pecorari ; sous la direction de Christian Biet ; Éd. théâtrales, 2008

- Schneemann Carolee, Imaging Her Erotics. Essays, Interviews, Projects, Massachussetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Londres, The MIT Press, 2002.

- Schneider Rebecca, The Explicit Body in Performance, New York, Londres, Routledge, 1997.
- Tronche Anne, Gina Pane, Paris, Fall Éditions, 1997.

- Turner Victor, The Anthropology of Performance, New York, PAJ Publications, 1987.

- Vergine Lea, Body Art and Performance. The Body as LanguageMilan, Skira, 2000.

- Yoko Ono. Have You Seen The Horizon Lately ?catalogue Oxford, Museum of Modern Art, 1997.


- After criticism :new responses to art and performance / Gavin Butt Publication : Oxford : Blackwell, 2005

- Art, lies and videotape : exposing performance / [edited by Adrian George], Londres, Ed. Tate, 2003

- Hors limites : l’art et la vie, 1952-1994, exposition, Paris, Musée national d’art moderne-Pompidou, 9 novembre 1994-23 janvier 1995, Ed. centre pompidou, 1994

- Life, once more : forms of reenactement in contemporary art, exhibition January 27 - March 27, 2005, Witte de With, Center for contemporary art, Rotterdam

- Live : art and performance / edited by Adrian Heathfield, Ed. Tate publishing, 2004

- L.A.-ex Performances, catalogue Munich, Hatje Cantz Verlag, Reihe Verlag, 2001.

- Improvisation-Performance-Szene, Mainz, Schott Verlag, ED 1997.

- Out of actions : between performance and the object, 1949-1979 : [exhibition, Los Angeles, Museum of contemporary art, 8 February-10 May 1998, Vienna, Austrian museum of applied arts, 17 June-6 September 1998, Barcelona, Museu d’art contemporani, 15 October 1998-6 January 1999, Tokyo, Museum of contemporary art, 11 February-11 April 1999]
- Performance Artists Talking in the Eighties, edited by Linda Montano, Berkeley, University of California Press, 2000.

- Performance und Performance Art, revue Kunstforum International, Band 96, Köln, August-Oktober 1988.

- Performing the body : performing the text, by Amelia Jones and Andrew Stephenson, London, Routledge, 1999.

- Le "performatif" : les arts de la performance en Suisse / textes rassemblés par Sibylle Omlin ; Sibylle Omlin, Françoise Ninghetto, Rayelle Niemann... Zurich, Ed. Pro Helvetia, 2004

- The senses in performance, by Sally Banes and André Lepecki, New York Ed. Routledge, 2007

- Baudelot, Alexandra, Jennifer Lacey & Nadia Lauro : dispositifs chorégraphiques, Dijon, Ed.les Presses du réel, 2007

- Destricted, Katapult Film Sales, Revolver Entertainment, UK, 2006 (dvd), films de Larry Clark, Gaspar Noé, Sam Taylor-Wood, Matthew Barney, Richard Prince, Marco Brambilla et Marina Abramovic (interdit - de 18 ans)
- Vier Videokünstler : Barney, Hill, McCarthy, Neshat, Fünf Filme von Maria Tappeiner, Jörg und Ralf Raimo Jung, Reinhard Wulf. Kunstmuseum Wolfsburg, AbsolutMedien Dokumente 933, 2 DVDs, 2007.