International Gesture Conference in Paris
ISGS 2016, July 18th-22th
Gesture — Creativity — Multimodality
The International Society for Gesture Studies (ISGS) is pleased to announce the Seventh Conference of the International Society for Gesture Studies : Gesture – Creativity – Multimodality. It will be held in the heart of Paris, France, July 18-22 2016 on the campus of the Sorbonne Nouvelle University.
Established in 2002, the ISGS ( is an interdisciplinary group of researchers including anthropologists, cognitive scientists, computer scientists, linguists, neuroscientists, psychologists, and semioticians. The Society convenes for a major international conference every two years to share perspectives on the study of gesture and bodily communication.
The seventh edition of ISGS will especially encourage contributions on the role of gesture in artistic creation, the multimodal creativity of bodily expression, and the combined used of gesture/sign with other artistic media (dance, painting, sculpture, photography, music, cinema).
The conference will also welcome all topics on bodily communication, studied in all settings, and from all theoretical and disciplinary perspectives.
Plenary speakers (confirmed) :
Martha Alibali (University of Wisconsin – Madison, USA)
Alessandro Duranti (UCLA, USA)
Scott Liddell (Gallaudet University, USA)
Cornelia Müller (European University Viadrina Frankfurt Oder, Germany)
Catherine Pélachaud (CNRS, Télécom – ParisTech, France)
Special Guest
Leonard Talmy (University at Buffalo)
University Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3
Conference language
The conference language is English. Sign language interpreters (International Signs) will be available.